The Western Presbyterian Church of Palmyra, New York
in Wayne County near Rochester, NY is composed of
people called by Jesus Christ to be His representatives
in the world.
We strive to:
Inspire worship in our hearts, minds, and actions
in honor and celebration of Christ.
Provide a sanctuary of faith for all people where
support, empathy, and a sense of community are
Cultivate spiritual growth by encouraging each
congregant to independently discern God's
presence and guidance.
Be a catalyst for growth and relevance of the
local and extended Church.
Be Christ’s disciples through both local and
global mission efforts.
Guide, nurture, and support the youth of our
congregation and community.
Promote and sponsor youth-based programs
including CanalTown Nursery School.
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
Disaster Relief
Donate - Support Our Missions
Pastor, Reverend Ho Dong Hwang
Click below for Ho Dong’s:
Toddler Time Tuesdays
Ages 0-4; CLICK HERE for lo-
cations and schedule.
Our Food Cupboard
Is thankful for your much needed
ongoing donations of shelf-stable
food items!ls.
Easter Bunny Breakfast
Saturday April 12, 8:30-11:00am
Pancakes, Sausage, Muffins $5
101 E. Main St., Palmyrals.
5th Sunday PotLuck Lunch
March 30, Following Worship
“Favorite Childhood Food”
Vacation Bible School 2025
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
The Spire Online
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© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
Christian Education
Christian Education Ministry Team:
2021 -2022
Emily Hunt - Chairperson
Cim McFarlane - Sunday School Director
Ellen Avery, Jody Pruitt – Team Members
Youth Sunday School Classes:
Children ages 2-grade 8 meet Sunday Mornings from
9:00am to 9:50am, September - May. Children
will explore a new Sunday School curriculum this year called Growing in Grace and Gratitude. This is a multi-age curriculum through
Presbyterian Church USA.
Adult Study:
Book Club TBD Sundays 9:00 – 9:45am, Pastor Lead Advent and Lenten Series TBD
planned for August 1 - 5, 2022. This is a combined church event involving Western Presbyterian Church and Palmyra Reformed
Church for children aged 3 through grade 6, opened to the community. Adults and Middle/High Schoolers volunteer for leadership and
to help make the event happen.
Presbyterian Youth Triennium is a gathering for high school age youth from the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church that occurs every three years. The next event will be in 2022 in Indiana. For more information go to:
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
2 Timothy 4:5
"But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry."
Western Presbyterian Church's belief is that true evangelism should be born from our members' love and relationship with God and the desire
for others to become aware of His grace. If we demonstrate the graciousness of Jesus Christ others will see it in us and seek the same path for
Being in a formative phase of evangelism, the WPC congregation is recognizing the need for spiritual formation and leadership to become
effective evangelists. We are grateful that our new pastor is helping to guide us along this path.
Although very active in numerous forms of mission outreach as witness to Christ's love, it's becoming increasingly clear that different forms of
more directed activities may be required to be effective at bringing the unchurched to Christ. The material below, from PCUSA, helps us
understand what forms those activities may take by separating evangelism fact vs. fiction.
The U.S. Congregational Life Survey provided a unique look at what works in the areas of evangelism and church growth. Responses from
samples of fast-growing churches helped debunk common myths:
1. Only congregations in growing areas are adding members
Fact: Three strengths are positive predictors of growth — Caring for Children and Youth, Welcoming New People, and Participating in the
Fact: Other factors don't predict growth — denomination or faith group, congregational size, income levels of worshipers, average age of
worshipers, and population growth around the church.
2. Only new or recently established congregations are growing
Fact: Less than half of fast-growing Presbyterian churches were established after 1960. Most are older.
3. Only large churches grow
Fact: 39% of fast-growing Presbyterian churches have fewer than 200 in worship. Small congregations grow, too!
4. Most people have been attending their congregation for years and years
Fact: One-third of worshipers are new in the last five years; in fast-growing churches one-half are new.
5. Most new people are new to the faith
Fact: Most new people attending their congregation for five years or less have changed congregations within the same denomination (transfers:
57%). Only 7% are first-timers who are new to the faith. A few (18%) are returnees who used to attend worship but recently have not been
involved, and 18% are switchers who changed denominations.
6. Denomination is irrelevant to church seekers
Fact: Most new people (73%) say denomination is important in their search.
Fact: Denomination is less important to mainline Protestants (59%) and those under the age of 25 (48%).
7. New people usually learn about the congregation from advertising
Fact: Many new people (47%) visit for the first time because someone invited them; only 6% came for the first time due to advertising.
Fact: Most new people visit between 1 and 3 congregations before choosing their new home.
Fact: Advertising helps raise awareness of the congregation and can make current members feel proud of their congregation.
8. New people usually come back after the first time because of the coffee hour
Fact: People return because of the quality of the sermon (36%), the friendliness of the people (32%), and the overall worship experience
Fact: Too many new people (38%) report no follow-up from the congregation after their first visit. In Catholic parishes, 53% of new people
report no follow-up.
9. Growing congregations rely exclusively on church signs and big advertising campaigns
Fact: Growing congregations use multiple methods to attract new people.
Fact: Growing congregations are more likely to hold events to meet new people or to add members, advertise in the newspaper or telephone
book, use email, have a church Web site, and send materials to or telephone first-time visitors.
10. All congregations do the same things to integrate new worshipers
Fact: Growing congregations use multiple methods to integrate new worshipers.
Fact: Growing congregations are more likely to have a specific group for newcomers and to invite such people to take part in small groups or
service opportunities.
11. New member integration methods are successful
Fact: New people are less involved in their congregations than those who have been there for longer.
12. Worship services in growing churches offer only contemporary music
Fact: Almost all worship services in growing Presbyterian churches (89%) include traditional hymns.
Fact: Services in growing congregations are more likely to include contemporary music and laughter.
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
Stewardship is the grateful response to God's grace and goodness. It requires a consideration of how our choices affect us and others,
of how we can be good caretakers of the created world, and of how we can best serve God as disciples of Christ.
Giving has always been a mark of Christian commitment and discipleship. The ways in which a believer uses God's gifts of material
goods, personal abilities, and time should reflect a faithful response to God's self-giving in Jesus Christ and Christ's call to minister to
and share with others in the world. Tithing is a primary expression of the Christian discipline of stewardship.
Those who follow the discipline of Christian stewardship will find themselves called to lives of simplicity, generosity, honesty, hospitality,
compassion, receptivity, and concern for the earth and God's creatures.
The Christian life is an offering of one's self to God. In worship the people are presented with the costly self-offering of Jesus Christ,
are claimed and set free by him, and are led to respond by offering to him their lives, their particular gifts and abilities, and their
material goods.
"See from His head, His hands, His feet,
Sorrow and love flow mingled down,
Did e'er such love and sorrow meet,
Or thorns compose so rich a crown?
Were the whole realm of nature mine,
That were a present far too small;
Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all."
2 Corinthians 9:7 - Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, [so let him give]; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful
Proverbs 3:9-10 - Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: (Read More...)
Luke 6:38 - Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your
bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.
Matthew 6:24 - No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the
other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Matthew 22:21 - They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God
the things that are God's.
Romans 12:1-2 - I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto
God, [which is] your reasonable service.
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
Mission and Social Concerns Team 2021
Team Members: Irene Fadden, chair, Edie Chapman, Rena Haigh, Jan Taylor, Ruth Dantz, Cassie Hughes,
Sally Chase, and Jonnie Fontaine
Ongoing local projects supported by WPC:
Palmyra-Macedon-Farmington Food Pantry
Good Neighbor Fund
Home Meal Service (Meals on Wheels)
Grace House – clothing cupboard
Family Promise of Wayne County – serving homeless families
Community Garden – vegetables raised are given to food pantries
Weekend Wellness – providing nutritious food for school-aged kids
Free Summer Lunches for kids at the library
Palmyra Library After-School Snack Program – 2 days a week
Holiday outreach supported by WPC:
Angel Tree – 2 gifts for each child, 1 need and 1 want
ARC Home in Palmyra – gift card for residents
Reverse Advent Calendar – health items as well as cleaning and paper products for the food pantry
Global Mission supported by WPC:
Qholaqhoe Mountain Connections - mission to Lesotho, in Africa
One Great Hour of Sharing Offering
Healthy Ninos Honduras
Water Project in Tabi, Mexico
Clint McCoy Feeding Center in Malawi, Africa
Mission and
Social Concerns
Click Images To Enlarge
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
Weekend Wellness Program
Weekend Wellness
In order to prevent weekend hunger and the health consequences, the Western
Presbyterian Mission Team will secure funds, purchase and package healthy food
and snacks for children in the Palmyra Macedon Central School District. The
individual packages will be delivered to 3 schools.
During the school year, the school district will identify and quietly distribute the
food packages to children in need on Friday just prior to dismissal.
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
Good Neighbor Fund
Good Neighbor Fund
The Good Neighbor Fund was started in 1989 by the area Clergy Council. This fund has
provided help for hundreds of individuals and families in need since that time. Even though
this fund has been endorsed and supported by the Clergy Council, for the most part it has
been administered by the clergy and staff at Western Presbyterian Church. After Rev. Nancy’s
retirement, although the Clergy Council continued to support the idea of the Good Neighbor
Fund, none of the council members were in a position to assume the responsibility.
The Mission & Social Concerns Ministry Team at Western Presbyterian Church decided
to take on the task. This team now acts as the governing board and our church secretary,
Kathy Barr screens and organizes the requests for help. John Cook coordinates the interview
process with a team. Macedon Baptist Church and the Reformed Church are both represented
on the team of interviewers – Cindy Platteter, Mary Jo Coleman, Lisa Premeslovsky, Calvin
Bucknam, and Mary Ann Holden. This team brings a variety of experience that helps us all to
grow and serve. Wilma Redman is the secretary/treasurer of the fund and WPC Treasurer, Eric
Chapman is the auditor.
Along with the distribution of money, we attempt to connect those who seek our help
with other sources of aid and information. We cooperate with the funds administered by the
St. Katharine Drexel Parish and the King’s Daughter’s to make sure all resources are used
The Mission & Social Concerns Ministry Team is pleased to be able to keep this
worthwhile mission operating for the good of our community. Since October 2015, when we
restarted the Good Neighbor Fund we have helped 23 families and have received $16,746 in
donations and grants.
If you would like to contribute individually beyond the $3,000 allotted in the Mission &
Social Concerns Ministry Team budget, you can make checks out to Western Presbyterian
Church and note that it is for the Good Neighbor Fund.
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
The current Deacons Ministry Team is dutifully served by Randy Kennard, Sandra McMenamin, Linda Pulcini, Nancy Talma,
Madelyn Jaggar and Sara Bush. The weekly prayer lists in our Sunday bulletin reflect their call for prayer and visits.
We fulfill daily prayer requests for congregation members and many others. Our published list is very fluid, with weekly additions
and removals. We pray for lost loved ones and those who grieve. We pray for God to be at the side of those serving our military.
We pray for those among us who are expecting to give birth to God’s wonderful creations. We joyfully pray at their birth. There is a
continual need to pray for the acutely and chronically ill, those for whom age has taken its toll, and for God’s care and safe return of
those who travel afar. It’s very uplifting to read cards and letters we receive in response to our prayer ministry.
Deacons minister to those who are shut-in and hospitalized. It’s truly an awesome and yet humbling feeling, knowing how receptive
they are for our visits. Typically, we are joyfully invited to return. We repurpose and deliver flowers that have served their purpose in
our church, to uplift spirits and hopefully bring a smile. Poinsettias are placed in the sanctuary during Advent by our church families.
Those that are not reclaimed serve that purpose.
At each monthly meeting, we add scripture and notes to note cards, provided by Sandy McMenamin. They are mailed to individuals
on our extended care list. And, throughout the year, Linda Pulcini mails cards to congregation members and others, in celebration
and to offer comfort.
Our Sunday School children offer their talents too, by creating beautiful greeting cards in celebration of Valentine’s Day and the birth
of Jesus Christ. They are delivered to our shut-ins and others. During Advent, we place items in gift bags to accompany those
beautiful cards.
The Deacons do not have a budget supported by congregation pledges. We rely on free will donations to finance our annual
endeavors. Deacons Fund envelopes are placed in the pews for that purpose. We were blessed in 2015 to have enough funds on
hand to fulfill a monetary request in support of a Good Neighbor Fund assistance application.
Deacons are responsible for preparing the elements for communion each month, and for special liturgical occasions. They then
clean and put away the silver pieces and communion cups afterward. The communion counts, another responsibility, are shown in
the accompanying activity table.
Deacons Activities, 2015
Communion Visits Cards Notecards
Respectfully Submitted,
Terry Goodwin, Chairperson
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
Worship Committee Annual Report for 2015
This past year became a year of transition when our pastor, Reverend Dr. Nancy Farrell announced that she would be retiring, and
that her last Sunday with us would be May 31
. The Worship committee made every effort to ensure that each Sunday our
congregation would have a meaningful worship service. By scheduling pastors who are included on the Pulpit Supply List, our
congregation continued to come together as a community of faith, sharing the Good News, as we enjoyed and benefited from the
various messages and styles of our interesting guest pastors. Then on October 4
, all of our WPC family welcomed our new
Transitional Pastor Robin Lostetter. Having Robin with us is truly a blessing. We are grateful for her presence and leadership as we
continue this journey of change.
Throughout the year, we planned and assisted with special events and services such as: Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Christmas
in July, Canal Town Hymn Sing, Thanksgiving Pie Extravaganza, Advent Choral Fest and Christmas Eve services. We recruited
volunteers to assist with regular Sunday services. We ordered lilies and poinsettias and decorated the sanctuary for Easter and
In observance of the National Day of Prayer, on Thursday May 7
, the Worship Committee opened the doors of our sanctuary from
7AM until 6PM and served as greeters to anyone in the community who wanted to come in for personal prayer. Seventeen people
came in throughout the day, eleven of them were not WPC members. Pastor Nancy led a prayer service at 7PM where fifteen
people attended, three of them being non-members. We were very happy about the attendance, and particularly pleased that non-
members used our sanctuary for their prayers. The Committee will continue with this observance in 2016, and we are exploring
other ideas that will welcome the community to our church. We welcome ideas from the congregation.
There are many people who contribute to the quality of our worship services. Some of them are right in front of us each week, and
others work quietly in the background. The dedication of time and talent from our Music Team is unsurpassed. We thank our music
leaders, Heather Trapiss, Jack Moak, Nancy Kratzert, Sharon Condit and every member of our choir and bell choir.
We thank everyone who responds to our calls for ushers, readers, communion elders, Thanksgiving pie makers and for whatever
else comes up. We would also like to give special thanks to our church secretary, Kathy Barr. Kathy always does a great job for
our church, but this year has been a challenging one. Kathy has been instrumental in the seamless delivery of our Sunday services
throughout the year. Every guest pastor has his/her own style, and way of doing things; and some deliver information more timely
than others! Week to week, Kathy pulled the pieces together for us, and made sure that we had whatever was needed for Sunday
Our 2015 Worship Committee will serve again in 2016. We are: Jane Culver, Sharon Marr, Courtney Marr, Mary Beth LaBerge,
Carol Sloan, Kelly Babcock and Sue Leonard.
Respectfully submitted,
Sue Leonard
Ministry Team
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
Ministry Team
The Fellowship Ministry Team set up monthly activities for the congregation to participate in.
Some Highlights of 2015:
On Sunday, January 4
, we celebrated Epiphany with a pot luck luncheon.
On February 15th, we celebrated Sweet and Treats with a Valentine theme.
In March, we tried to have a game night but the weather won out.
On April 5
, we handed out jelly beans with the jelly bean prayer to the children at Easter.
May 17th was our church picnic. Members brought a dish to pass, while the team provided hamburgers, hot dogs,
drinks and ice cream sundaes. This date worked so much better because it was the last day of Sunday school.
On August 16
, some of the congregation headed out to the Red Wings Stadium for our annual afternoon of
On September 13
, our team sponsored a coffee hour. During this time, we talked about what was happening the
rest of the year for the Fellowship Ministry Team.
In October, invitations were sent to all of the congregation who have been members for 50 or more years. We had
two new members: Sharon Marr and Ellie Giles. A wonderful example and affirmation of faith for us all. Each new
member received a beautiful corsage. We also gave a corsage to Pat Nash for being the longest-term Western
Horizon member. We then had a pot luck luncheon in their honor with cake.
November 21
was our annual game night. This year euchre, Banana-Grams, and a new game, “5 Crowns” were
On November 28
, we decorated the Mary Griffin Room and Fellowship.
On December 13
, we hosted the coffee hour and a cookie exchange. We had a great time trading cookies.
We on the Fellowship Ministry Team wish to thank all of you who participated and helped make possible the
aforementioned activities. We have received positive feedback from the participants and as always welcome any
new ideas or suggestions. It has been our hope and goal to strengthen the bonds of our congregation, through the
fellowship provided by group activities. In this age of impersonal electronic communication, this type of person to
person contact within our church family becomes even more critical in achieving a positive spiritual outcome. We
hope many more of you will join us in faith, unity, and growing fellowship in 2016.
Yours in Fellowship,
Deb Trombino
Roxie Kachel
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
Ministry Team
Nominating Report January 2016
Ruling Elders for each team are bolded and elected for 3 years. The numbers in parentheses are the final year of
their term. Other members of the ministry teams are for 1 year terms. Thank you to everyone who signed the sheets to
Ministry Teams
Deb Trombino (2017), Roxanne Kachel (2017), Sue Pringle, Norm Underwood, Ray Marr, Terry Gendron,
Val Gendron
Doris Chriswell (2016), Amie McMullin (2017), Steve Kennard, Phil Opdycke, Don Dantz, Ed Plesa, Dave
Pinkney, Bill Hassler, Bob Kirchhoff, Pat Pinkney, Lynn Malboeuf
Dick Kirchhoff (2016), Bill Bush, Gary Haigh, Randy Kennard, Irene Fadden
Sue Leonard (2016), Sharon Marr, Courtney Marr, Mary Beth LaBerge, Carol Sloan, Kelly Babcock, Jane
Social Concerns and Mission:
John Cook (2017), Rena Haigh (2018), Sally Chase, Lou Callerame, Ruth Dantz, Jan Taylor, Janet Barager,
Jonnie Fontaine, Edie Chapman
Christian Education:
Jody Pruitt (2016), Lynette Cogan (2018), Lou Callerame, Rose Prober
Terry Goodwin (2017), Sandy McMenamin (2017), Linda Pulcini, Nancy Talma, Sara Bush
Canal Town Nursery School Board: Chair:
Phil Opdycke (2016), Vice Chair: Sara Bush, Carol Sloan, Andy Sloan, Betsy Goodwin
Carol Campbell, Lois Pratt, Ray Marr
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
Ministry Team
Communications Task Force
Members: Muffy Beato, Rev. Nancy J. Farrell, Terry Goodwin, Rena Haigh, Lynn Malboeuf, Amie McMullin
In 2015, the Communications Task Force deliberated over the changing nature of current culture and society
and the ways involvement in the church is impacted. We sought to identify ways to build and encourage
opportunities for members of the congregation to participate in the church’s work. The notion that Session
and its component teams are tasked with welcoming participation by the congregation guided our efforts.
The “brand” document developed through our work with the Ad Council continues to provide a guide to our
work. We established a format for presenting “projects” that had clearly defined scope and allowed
members who are unable to accept a long-term commitment to participate. In 2015, we identified a
number of projects (logo development, audio/sound project, name tags, rear entrance rehab) that were
posted on the bulletin board outside the church office. The name tag project has been implemented.
Currently teams are working on logo development and audio/sound.
Additionally, in response to requests from a number of members, a binder was created to house
team/committee minutes as well as Session minutes. The binder is located on the credenza outside the
church office.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lynn Malboeuf
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
Music Ministry
Music is an important tradition at Western Presbyterian Church. Our 30-
member chancel choir, under the capable baton of director Robin
Lostetter, provides spiritual inspiration through music every Sunday at
the 10:00 am service.
The choir also presents worship music at special services such as
Christmas Eve, Easter, and when requested, at funerals, and memorial
services. The choir aspires to augment the worship experience and bring
the congregation closer to a true sense of the liturgical words and
actions. Their purpose is not entertainment for entertainment’s sake.
How I wept, deeply moved by your hymns, songs, and the voices
that echoed through your Church! What emotion I experienced in
them! Those sounds flowed into my ears, distilling the truth in my
heart. A feeling of devotion surged within me, and tears streamed
down my face -- tears that did me good. (St. Augustine,
Confessions 9:6, 14)
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
Where We Are
Contact Info:
Western Presbyterian Church
101 E. Main St.
Palmyra, NY 14522
Phone: 315-597-9171
Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wed., Thurs: 9:00am to
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
Spiritual Growth
Reinhold Niehbuhr’s “Serenity Prayer”
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to
know the difference. Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardship as the pathway to peace;
taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; trusting that he will make all things right if I surrender to his
will. That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with him forever in the next.
with our souls
It is well with those who deal
generously and lend,
who conduct their affairs
with justice. Psalm 112:5
if only
corporations had
Chief Justice Officers,
communities had
loan pantries as
well as food,
we were
more generous with
our yeses than
our nos.
(c) 2016 Thom M. Shuman
my transgression would be
sealed up in a bag,
and you would cover over
my iniquity. Job 14:17
you vacuum up
all my mistakes
and empty
the bag into the
bin set out
by the curb;
you dip your brush
into the bucket labeled
and paint over
all my foolish words
scrawled on the
walls of your
(c) 2016 Thom M. Shuman
God is a righteous judge
and a God who has
indignation every day. Psalm 7:11
we should stop
taking meds for the
acrid reflux
we experience in
the light of all the
injustices around us,
and let it
boil over
into actions for
struggling in the
(c) 2016 Thom M. Shuman
"Who have risked their lives for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ." Acts 15:26
not always saints
and martyrs, but
lovers of losers
and gatherers
of the lonely;
little kids who
face down bullies,
and older folks
who spend retirement
defeating injustice;
strangers who run
towards burning vehicles
and rescuers of
children abandoned
on the streets,
risk-takers of
(c) 2016 Thom M. Shuman
Photograph from September 11
They jumped from the burning floors—
one, two, a few more,
higher, lower.
The photograph halted them in life,
and now keeps them
above the earth toward the earth.
Each is still complete,
with a particular face
and blood well hidden.
There’s enough time
for hair to come loose,
for keys and coins
to fall from pockets.
They’re still within the air’s reach,
within the compass of places
that have just now opened.
I can do only two things for them—
describe this flight
and not add a last line.
Wisława Szymborska, “Photograph from September 11” from Monologue of a Dog. Copyright © 2005 by Wisława
Reprinted with permission of Harcourt, Inc.
Source: Monologue of a Dog (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2005)
And this prayer, from the PCUSA on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of 9/11:
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
Confirmation at Western Presbyterian Church
As our Presbyterian Directory of Worship states: “The church nurtures those baptized as
children and calls them to make public their personal profession of faith and their acceptance of
responsibility in the life of the church.” This takes place after a period of instruction and
examination by the Session. At Western Presbyterian Church confirmation class for young
people in seventh or eighth grade begins in November. Over the course of the next six months
these young people meet regularly with a carefully chosen adult mentor and explore their faith.
The student/confirmand also selects a fifteen hour service project. Both the pastor and a
volunteer service coordinator meet monthly with the youth to offer instruction and help them
accomplish their goal. Areas of learning include: the identity of God the Father, Son and Holy
Spirit, worship and the sacraments, the Bible, the Confessions, and life in the Church. The
young people at the end of this experience meet with the Session, report on their service
project, and make a personal statement of faith.
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
Christian Education
Christian Education Ministry Team:
2021 -2022
Emily Hunt - Chairperson
Cim McFarlane - Sunday School Director
Ellen Avery, Jody Pruitt – Team Members
Youth Sunday School Classes:
Children ages 2-grade 8 meet Sunday Mornings from
9:00am to 9:50am, September - May. Children
will explore a new Sunday School curriculum this year called Growing in Grace and Gratitude. This is a multi-age curriculum through
Presbyterian Church USA.
Adult Study:
Book Club TBD Sundays 9:00 – 9:45am, Pastor Lead Advent and Lenten Series TBD
planned for August 1 - 5, 2022. This is a combined church event involving Western Presbyterian Church and Palmyra Reformed
Church for children aged 3 through grade 6, opened to the community. Adults and Middle/High Schoolers volunteer for leadership and
to help make the event happen.
Presbyterian Youth Triennium is a gathering for high school age youth from the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church that occurs every three years. The next event will be in 2022 in Indiana. For more information go to:
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
Women’s Association
All women who have joined Western Presbyterian Church are automatically members of the Women’s
Life changes and life styles have created new challenges for the Women’s Association of our church.
More women are working outside the home these days, and life in general has picked up speed and
stress. All this has had an effect on our Women’s Association throughout the years but we are still
meeting many needs.
Our Women’s Association is proud of the following traditional fundraisers that were once again part of
our agenda for the 2015 calendar year.
The spring and fall annual Rummage Sales.
RADA Cutlery Sales.
These fundraisers have enabled us to help with our church’s financial needs, to supply funds for local
and worldwide mission work and to provide funds for other disbursements that we have listed in our
annual financial report for 2015
The Women’s Association has been active this year in the following areas:
Hosting funeral and memorial service receptions held at our church
Church World Service Blanket Appeal
Circle Bible Study Groups
Your Executive Board Members are:
Tricia Owen, President Randy Kennard, Vice President Janet Manktelow / Sue Pringle, Co-Treasurers
Sandy McMenamin, Representing Circle IV Women’s Bible Study Group Jan Taylor, Funeral Reception
Coordinator Elaine Hassler, Funeral Reception Coordinator.
I want to say a big “thank you” to all of the dedicated women in our church who have continually
helped to support and make our Women’s Association a strong and vital part of Western Presbyterian
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
Palmyra-Macedon Primary School for grades K-2. Enrollment (2013-14): 483 Palmyra-Macedon Intermediate
School for grades 3-5. Enrollment (2013-14): 403 Palmyra-Macedon Middle School for grades 6-8. Enrollment
(2013-14): 429 Palmyra-Macedon High School for grades 9-12. Enrollment (2013-14): 631
All of the Primary-High schools are located on campuses within the town proper. AP academics are offered at
the High School level and have a 28% participation rate. There was a 95.3% graduation rate for the 2013-14
school year.
For residents aged 25 or older 95.5% have a High School or higher level degree. 19.8% have a bachelor’s
degree and 6.6% have graduate or professional level degrees.
A wealth of colleges and universities are available within a 25 mile radius of Palmyra including Rochester
Institute of Technology, University of Rochester, Roberts Wesleyan College, Nazareth College, St John Fisher
College, Monroe Community College, Eastman School of Music and Empire State College.
Church membership draws from the areas surrounding Palmyra. One of the closest municipalities is Macedon,
NY with whom Palmyra shares a school district. Macedon is located approximately 3.6 miles from Palmyra;
demographic information regarding Macedon is included below.
Median Income
Palmyra: Estimated median household income in 2012 was $41,783.00 (up from $38,561.00 in 2000). The
estimated per capita income in 2012 was $21438.00 (up from $19,087 in 2000). (
Macedon: Estimated median household income $54,000 (up from $45,774.00 in 2000). (
Total Population: Palmyra: 7975
Total Population: Macedon: 9148
Other Data
Median house value: $86,675.
68% of housing units are owner-occupied, 32% of housing units are renter-occupied, 1.2% of housing units are
Median gross rent: $726
Mean travel time to work: 20.8 miles
Unemployment rate (June 2014): 5.6%
Median house value: $115,376.
77.6% of housing units are owner-occupied, 22.4% of housing units are renter-occupied, 1.5% of housing units
are vacant.
Unemployment rate (June 2014): 5.6%
Palmyra is located in Wayne County which has a total population of 92,500. From 2000-2013 the county has
experienced a substantial decline in youth and young adults: Residents ages 60-84 has grown 40% and age
85+ has increased by 26%. The unemployment rate in the county (2013) was 7.5% with total job decline 200-
2013 of 6%. Average salary for the county is $39,200.00
The closest urban area is Rochester, NY which is approximately 23 miles to the west. Due to its proximity
Palmyra is considered part of a nine county region designated as the greater Rochester region. This region has a
total population of 1.5 million with Wayne County accounting for 7.6% of the total.
People and
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
WPC Staff
Staff of WPC
Western Presbyterian Church is blessed with knowledgable and and caring individuals who lead the church
adminstratively, financially, musically, and spiritually. The gratitude of the congregation goes out to the
Staff of Western Presbyterian Church for their faithful service that without exception consistently goes
above and beyond.
To contact any of the staff please call the church office at the main number, 315-597-9171 to leave a
Cim McFarlane, Director of Sunday School
Kathy A. Barr, Office Administrator
Valerie Gendron, Financial Secretary
Larry Sprague, Sexton
Jack Moak, Organist/Accompanist
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
Western Presbyterian Church historian, Betsy Lewis has compiled several interesting historical
references for the reader. Links to these resources are found on the right side of this page.
The following timeline of important events in the church was compiled from numerous sources
by Betsy Lewis, Western Presbyterian Church historian on January 5, 2007.
Church Timeline: Western Presbyterian Church, Palmyra, New York
History of
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
About Our Organ
The Organ at Western Presbyterian Church was installed in 1856, and is one of only 10 E&G Hook
Organs still being played in the world. It was ordered by Hiram Jerome, the first Wayne
County Court Judge, on behalf of the congregation. He was the chairman of the organ
committee and the great uncle of Sir Winston Churchill, whose grandparents were married
in this church on April 5, 1849.
The late Harry Beach was one of the last to hand pump the organ. No longer pumped by a
person, the organ now has a 5 horsepower, 3-phase motor that moves the high volume of
air required, and many more pipes, keyboards, and ranks than the original instrument.
Since the electric service of the church is standard residential single-phase power, part of
the organ's electronics is a single-phase to three-phase inverter that creates the three-
phase electricity required by the blower motor.
On September 26, 1999 the pipe organ was rededicated following a complete refurbishing
and reconstruction by Parsons Pipe Organ Builders of Canandaigua, NY. The 3-manual and
pedal instrument took 11,150 hours to design and build.
While using many of the pipes from the original 1856 Hook organ, the instrument is now a
three-manual and pedal instrument. It utilizes 2,452 pipes across 43 ranks and 3 digitally-
sampled 32-foot ranks in lieu of pipe ranks to save space. Along with this, a 16' wood
Contra Bass and 16' Posaune were added to the Pedal division flanking the case, and the
pipes were finished to blend with their background. The majority of the metal pipes are
constructed of various compositions of lead and tin with large pipes being composed of
zinc finished with gold bronzing powder. The wooden pipes are of clear sugar pine.
Slide and tone channel chests as would have been found in the original 1856 Hook
instrument were installed during the rebuilding of the organ and are operated by 12-volt
DC actuators. The off-chests use electro-pneumatic action. The console, newly constructed
during the rebuilding is made of myrtle, burled walnut, and wenge (African rosewood). It
incorporates a state-of-the-art solid-state controller that uses 99 levels of preset system
memory, a sequencer for recording and playing back the organ, a registration sequencer for
performance use, a transposer, and midi voices.
The Pedal division is arranged diatonically on each side of the organ. The Swell division is
to the left behind the façade pipes are from the Pedal Open Diapason. The late Mr. Roger
Schwing, a church member, duplicated the Pedal impost molding and rebuilt all of the
lower case panels. The sound-absorbent carpeting was removed from the musicians'
gallery to better project both organ and voice into the nave
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
Normal Worship Hours
9:00 am - Youth Sunday School, all grades
9:00 am - Adult Sunday School
10:00 am - Worship Service
Worship Times
© 2024 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
Donate to Western Presbyterian Church
Although we at Western Presbyterian Church rely heavily on our volunteers, your tax deductible donation will help keep our
efforts going and also help to fund our future vision to support both local as well as national and international missions.
“A family of faith connecting people to Christ and to each other.”
As a church, Western Presbyterian Church and Society, Inc. is a not-for-profit tax-exempt public charity under the Internal Revenue
Code. Donations are deductible as allowed by law.
Donations can be made by credit card, or direct bank transfer via PayPal by clicking the donate button below; or by sending a
check, payable to "Western Presbyterian Church" to:
Western Presbyterian Church
101 East Main Street
Palmyra, NY 14522
Western Presbyterian Church and Society, Inc.