© 2016 Western Presbyterian Church; 101 E. Main St.; Palmyra, NY 14522; 315-597-9171
2 Timothy 4:5
"But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry."
Western Presbyterian Church's belief is that true evangelism should be born from our members' love and relationship with God and the
desire for others to become aware of His grace. If we demonstrate the graciousness of Jesus Christ others will see it in us and seek the
same path for themselves.
Being in a formative phase of evangelism, the WPC congregation is recognizing the need for spiritual formation and leadership to become
effective evangelists. We are grateful that our new pastor is helping to guide us along this path.
Although very active in numerous forms of mission outreach as witness to Christ's love, it's becoming increasingly clear that different
forms of more directed activities may be required to be effective at bringing the unchurched to Christ. The material below, from PCUSA,
helps us understand what forms those activities may take by separating evangelism fact vs. fiction.
The U.S. Congregational Life Survey provided a unique look at what works in the areas of evangelism and church growth. Responses from
samples of fast-growing churches helped debunk common myths:
1. Only congregations in growing areas are adding members
Fact: Three strengths are positive predictors of growth — Caring for Children and Youth, Welcoming New People, and Participating in the
Fact: Other factors don't predict growth — denomination or faith group, congregational size, income levels of worshipers, average age of
worshipers, and population growth around the church.
2. Only new or recently established congregations are growing
Fact: Less than half of fast-growing Presbyterian churches were established after 1960. Most are older.
3. Only large churches grow
Fact: 39% of fast-growing Presbyterian churches have fewer than 200 in worship. Small congregations grow, too!
4. Most people have been attending their congregation for years and years
Fact: One-third of worshipers are new in the last five years; in fast-growing churches one-half are new.
5. Most new people are new to the faith
Fact: Most new people attending their congregation for five years or less have changed congregations within the same denomination
(transfers: 57%). Only 7% are first-timers who are new to the faith. A few (18%) are returnees who used to attend worship but recently
have not been involved, and 18% are switchers who changed denominations.
6. Denomination is irrelevant to church seekers
Fact: Most new people (73%) say denomination is important in their search.
Fact: Denomination is less important to mainline Protestants (59%) and those under the age of 25 (48%).
7. New people usually learn about the congregation from advertising
Fact: Many new people (47%) visit for the first time because someone invited them; only 6% came for the first time due to advertising.
Fact: Most new people visit between 1 and 3 congregations before choosing their new home.
Fact: Advertising helps raise awareness of the congregation and can make current members feel proud of their congregation.
8. New people usually come back after the first time because of the coffee hour
Fact: People return because of the quality of the sermon (36%), the friendliness of the people (32%), and the overall worship experience
Fact: Too many new people (38%) report no follow-up from the congregation after their first visit. In Catholic parishes, 53% of new
people report no follow-up.
9. Growing congregations rely exclusively on church signs and big advertising campaigns
Fact: Growing congregations use multiple methods to attract new people.
Fact: Growing congregations are more likely to hold events to meet new people or to add members, advertise in the newspaper or
telephone book, use email, have a church Web site, and send materials to or telephone first-time visitors.
10. All congregations do the same things to integrate new worshipers
Fact: Growing congregations use multiple methods to integrate new worshipers.
Fact: Growing congregations are more likely to have a specific group for newcomers and to invite such people to take part in small groups
or service opportunities.
11. New member integration methods are successful
Fact: New people are less involved in their congregations than those who have been there for longer.
12. Worship services in growing churches offer only contemporary music
Fact: Almost all worship services in growing Presbyterian churches (89%) include traditional hymns.
Fact: Services in growing congregations are more likely to include contemporary music and laughter.